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The Group announces its best-ever performance, well above last year’s record

Record Net Profit for the Year 2023 of AED 60.8 BillionRecord Assets of AED 1.32 Trillion ICD (Investment Corporation of Dubai) announced today its consolidated financial results for the year ended 31 December 2023 having generated record Revenues of AED 310.2 Billion and a record Net Profit of AED 60.8 Billion, representing an exceptional achievement …

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Investment Corporation of Dubai announces record Revenues, Net Profit, Assets and Equity.

Record Net Profit for the 6-month period 2023 of AED 28.3 Billion.Record Assets of AED 1.25 Trillion. ICD announced today its consolidated financial results for the six-month period ended 30 June 2023 having generated record Revenues of AED 145.1 Billion and a record Net Profit of AED 28.3 Billion. Revenues reached a record AED 145.1 …

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